Bi2- Wingz

Bi2- Wingz

Industry: Transportation

"Wingz will offer an effective service to ensure the safety of kids and reassure thousands of parents by using modern technology to track kids once they leave the house until their return. All parents have a daily battle to gurantee their children's well being. They need to ensure that kids’ trip from home to school is secrued. On the other hand, they deal with other stresses on a daily basis as well. Thus, to allievate their worries, Wingz will resolve the emotional stress of the parents through technological tracking. Wingz will utilize all available technological methods to track kids and the vehicle driving them home to the school and the way back, step by step,even right before their homesteps . Moreover, wingz will selectively choose their captins based on high standards and proper expreinece with kids to ensure a safe comfortable trip. The aim in not only to reduce stress put on family memeber but also provide top quality service with competitive fees, and help parents avoid problems of high school bus fees. Also, to have more felxible transportation solutions as occured during 2020 pandemic. Wingz will provide an integarted and expertize methodoligies to ensure a smooth transpotation. "